S.H.I.P. — Powerful Personal Transformation

The SHIP Program is a unique and power­ful personal trans­for­ma­tion program. It is a series of five trans­for­ma­tive initi­a­tions designed to remove  obsta­cles to your true growth, help you let go of old story lines that no longer serve  and inspire you to step into your sacred purpose in this lifetime. SHIP stands for Shamanic Healing Initiatory Process.

  • The Spiral Path: Learn how to consciously use the Five Cycles of Change to make the posi­tive changes you want in your life.
  • Family of Origin: Understand how your child­hood and family rela­tion­ships are still affect­ing your life today.
  • The Shadow: Understand your dark side (the shadow) and accept the unloved part of your­self. Develop compas­sion for your whole self and reclaim your power and authenticity.
  • Sacred Marriage: Reconcile the oppo­sites that war within us and discover your Inner Beloved.
  • Sacred Purpose: Open your soul to its true expres­sion so that you can mani­fest your gift in the world.

Participants in S.H.I.P. expe­ri­ence power­ful and heal­ing personal trans­for­ma­tion breakthroughs.

Each of the five work­shops features the Shamanic Breathwork™ Process, a safe and power­ful heal­ing tool that uses the breath, chakra-attuned music, focused body­work, art, and group shar­ing to help indi­vid­u­als connect to their own inner healer/Shaman and step into life as an authen­tic, empow­ered person, shar­ing your gifts with those you love and the world.

These workshops are taught through Sacred Spirals Breathwork Community, and Shaman’s Heart Sanctuary in Kansas City, Venus Rising in North Carolina, and other congregations around the country.  You can take any workshop in the series for your own healing and empowerment, or the entire series for maximum benefit to your life. An interview is required prior to participating in the SHIP program.

Shamanic Ordination / Shamanic Breathwork Certification

Individuals who complete all five workshops will be eligible to become ordained as a Shamanic Minister and a member of the Shamanic Ministers’ Global Network.  SHIP is also the foundation of the Venus Rising training program to become a Shamanic Breathwork™ Facilitator.

Venus Rising University Credit

All SHIP workshops can also be counted as credit towards a degree with Venus Rising University.

For More Information on SHIP, Shamanic Ordainment, Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator Training or Venus Rising University, please contact us

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