All Addictions 12-Step Meeting

All Addictions 12-Step Meetings

for Recovering Humans

Stare up the steps

In every culture, and from every lineage humans are hardwired for experiences that involve altered states of consciousness. Not experiencing altered states of consciousness, and lacking regular access to our spiritual nature and the feeling of oneness, we feel starved. We long for that experience and will accept any substitute for that feeling of oneness. Once we reconnect to our natural and sober ability to access altered states of consciousness, the soul longs to keep it alive.

The integration of ritual and ceremony into 12-step work brings the work alive for many people. When we re-language the 12-step process with a clearer focus on finding the power and wisdom within ourselves, the 12-steps become more relevant for many people.




We have meeting space in the Westport Neighborhood of Kansas City, but due to heavy travel schedules we are not currently able to host meetings on a regular schedule.

If you are interested in hosting your own meeting in your own location and would like meeting materials please click here to contact us. We are happy to share the meeting format, 12 Steps and preamble so you can start your own meeting.

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